Related Policy

At its Board of Directors meeting held on October 19, 2006, our company established the Fujimori Kogyo Group Charter of Corporate Behavior, which stipulates actions to be followed by officers and employees of our company and its Group companies, as well as the Fujimori Code of Conduct, in order to contribute to society as a good corporate citizen by conducting business activities in compliance with laws and regulations and to promote mutual prosperity with customers. 

Code of Ethics

In order to contribute broadly to society, our company and its Group companies will act in accordance with the following eight principles to ensure strict adherence to social norms and ethics, as well as legal compliance, and conduct fair and transparent business activities. 

Top management recognizes that it is their role to realize the spirit of the Charter, and takes the initiative to thoroughly implement the Charter within the company and to inform Group companies and business partners. In addition, we will constantly monitor internal and external voices, develop an effective internal system, and thoroughly enforce corporate ethics. 

Human Rights Policy

We will actively engage in social contribution activities as a good corporate citizen. We will respect the diversity, character, and individuality of our employees, and ensure a safe and comfortable working environment to achieve comfort and affluence. 

We will never be associated with antisocial forces or groups that threaten the order and safety of civil society, and we will take resolute action when pressured by them. 

We respect and encourage human rights. We recognize the existence of fundamental and universal human rights based on the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization, the Global Compact, and other international laws and customs. 

We will strictly comply with relevant laws and social rules in our corporateactivities in Japan and abroad, prohibit unfair discrimination, forced labor,human rights violations, child labor and harassment with regard to therecruitment, employment and evaluation of employees, and comply with labor-related laws such as respecting freedom of association and the right tocollective bargaining.

Personnel Policy

Our company aims to create an organization that attracts and fosters diverse human resources in order to contribute to society sustainably through value creation. In order to enable employees to take on new challenges and demonstrate their creativity, we will create a culture in which both companies and employees can make the most of each other and grow together by providing employees with a rewarding and proactive career and a comfortable working environment. 

Quality Policy

In addition to developing products based on our proprietary technologies, we have established our Quality Policy to continuously improve quality and provide high-quality products and services that lead to customer satisfaction and trust. 

Environment Policy

Recognizing that the preservation of the global environment is an important issue shared by all humankind, we have established our Environmental Policy to evaluate the impact of our business activities on the environment, to promote activities to reduce environmental impact, to develop and propose environmentally friendly products and services, and to contribute to environmental improvement through various activities. 

Safety Policy

We are keenly aware of our “top priority on safety” and have established a safety policy to prevent accidents, disasters, and illnesses among all employees, to comply with laws and regulations, to ensure that appropriate information is grasped and disclosed to society, and to continuously improve and disseminate safety and health.